#HLSDITL, Day three!

As part of Hack Library School’s Library Student Day in the Life, a look at library students’ days around the world from October 28 – November 1, I am blogging about my week! I am a student at San Jose State University, an online program, getting my Masters in Library and Information Science. My focus is on youth librarianship. This day's theme: another day of feeling like everything is half done.

Woke up early and did some non-school related computer work and phone calls. Then, I tried to figure out if I should be a Regular or Special Session student next semester. The basic gist is, as a Regular Session student (I live in the Bay Area, am a full-time student, etc), I get access to SJSU's student services through their Associated Students (AS) and state financial aid. However, next semester SJSU has been forced to offer less electives to its Regular Session because of budget cuts, so if I want to get access to the electives I want I have to switch to Special Session. Special Session is an identical degree, except I don't get access to the AS services or funds and no state financial aid (not that they gave me any this year anyway :(!!!!). I am trying to figure out which path to take in this sad state of public university affairs!

Then I jumped on my bike to work, where I worked with one Kindergarten class, a first grade class, and 2 fourth grade classes, and then ran up to the Upper School Library for some basic tasks, and then biked home and laid in bed and read tween novels for my Materials for Tweens class (Tamora Pierce, anyone?).

After a quick dinner I had an online meeting with the American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) at SJSU, where I serve as the social media manager. In our meeting, we discussed a couple ideas for projects to support students and help them network. The meetings take place on Blackboard Collaborate; we use it mostly as a conference call program with a shared whiteboard. As an online meeting, there are many people on the board I have never met in person. A few of them I have met through our personal efforts or through volunteer experience. I joined the chapter so that I would widen my personal and professional relationships with other students. So far, I have wished for more in-person meet-ups, but often feel too busy!

Then I read about makerspaces and content creation in libraries, looked at the California Library Association conference website, and posted to social media for ALASC before watching Hugo (I'm reviewing it for my Materials for Tweens class). All in all, a day that left me feeling productive but behind!

Tomorrow: Halloween in the library!